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2019 in Review and Looking Ahead



hat Has Happened in Congress?” This was the cover

article of a NICHE (Network of Iowa Christian Home

Educators) newsletter 25 years ago. It went on to describe a

series of federal legislative attacks on homeschooling that had

been successfully defeated that year (1994). The most notori-

ous one was H.R. 6, an education funding bill that could have

forced teacher certification requirements on all homeschoolers.

Thankfully, concerned parents flooded Congress with so many

calls that it shut down the switchboard system on Capitol Hill.

Overwhelmed by the response, lawmakers scrambled to amend

the bill to protect home educators from federal regulations, a

180-degree switch!

Just 25 years ago homeschooling was barely legal, there

weren’t very many curriculum options, it was socially frowned

upon, and it was difficult. But a number of brave families plowed

the hard ground. Some of them stumbled into it, feeling there

was no better option. Many of them caught the vision, that

God calls all parents to disciple their children, and that doing

so through home education is the best way to accomplish this.

Today we see the fruits of these homeschoolers’ efforts.

Homeschooling is no longer considered odd. National studies

have demonstrated that homeschooled students perform well

academically. Over 2.3 million students are homeschooled in the

U.S., and we continue to see it grow nationally and internation-

ally. Most importantly, homeschooled graduates carry forward

their parent’s beliefs at a much higher rate than their peers. A

whole generation is now engaging the culture as welders, doctors,

lawmakers, and homemakers. They are now raising

their families with the same vision. As a homeschool

graduate, I am thankful to be part of this multi-gen-

erational movement.

Here at Homeschool Iowa, we are excited to sup-

port the growth and advancement of home educa-

tion. As the movement continues to expand, so do

we. This year our board of directors assembled a

5-year strategic plan focused on strengthening our

advocacy efforts, building better personal connec-

tions with and between homeschool families, and

inviting businesses and individuals to join in funding

the movement.

I am excited to report that we have already made

progress in these areas. This year we have grown our

advocacy team. This team is charged with building

rapport with legislators, providing legislative updates

to our members, and engaging the media to present

the positive message on homeschooling. We recently

purchased Voter Voice software and look forward to

using it this next legislative session to provide bet-

ter information to our members and connect home-

schoolers with their legislators.

We have also increased our number of regional

events. This year our regional representatives hosted

nine Homeschooling 101 events across the state. And, for the first

time ever, we have hosted a autumn teen event in partnership

with Generation Joshua and Americans for Prosperity.

As some of you may have noticed, we have been inviting indi-

viduals and businesses to partner with us financially to help fund

the mission. The response from you all has been such a blessing.

The additional funds donated this year have enabled us to add

to our advocacy efforts and better thank some of our volunteers

without increasing costs to hard-working homeschool families.

In short, I am extremely encouraged seeing what God is doing

in the homeschool movement and how He is prospering Home-

school Iowa’s work to help. If this vision excites you, I would like

to invite you to get involved! There is so much yet to be done

and so many ways to help. From encouraging a neighboring

homeschool family, to volunteering to help with an event, to

financially contributing to help fund the cause, there is a place

for you to help build God’s kingdom through home discipleship.

Please join us!

Joe and Elizabeth Bailey have been married since 2012 and

have five children. Joe was homeschooled K-12 and was involved

with his local homeschool choir, volunteering for Homeschool

Iowa, 4-H, First Lego League, and running his own lawn care

business. Joe went on to receive his B.S. degree in Mechanical and

Welding Engineering from LeTourneau University. Joe now works

as a weld engineer at Vermeer Corp. is currently serving as Home-

school Iowa President. Joe & Elizabeth are both passionate about

securing homeschooling freedoms for their own children and for

future generations.

2019 Capitol Day 2019 Conference

2019 Graduation